“Abdul” on Life After Guantanamo: Another Level of Hell; Shahid Buttar on recent FBI Raids; FBI can track your car without warrant; Col. Ann Wright on 5/31/10 Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla and update on Creech 14 trial; Will Durst on the evils of milk. “Abdul” was held by the US for almost 10 years, then released to one of 16 countries accepting America’s innocent former prisoners at Guantanamo. He describes life after Gitmo, and the plight of a fellow former detainee in a different country who is near death from illness resulting from torture at Guantanamo. Buttar is executive director of Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and talks about the recent FBI raids in Chicago and Minneapolis on peaceful protesters of America’s wars and foreign policy–starts at 8:08 He also comments on the 1-year sentence given to Die Hard director John McTiernan on a flimsy charge of lying to the FBI in a probable case of entrapment; and former Bush Justice official Jack Goldsmith’s recent defense of holding terror suspects forever, without charge or trial. PBC adds some recent reports of FBI surveillance using GPS tracking devices secretly attached to the car of a subject, without a warrant; a listener email alledging police harassment; and Canon’s new copier that can block copying of documents with key words. At 55:43, Col. Ann Wright, one of PBC’s heroes, returns with a first-person account of Israel’s 5/31/10 deadly raid on unarmed ships of the Gaza Flotilla in international waters that killed 9 (see the full video here) and an update on the Creech 14 that we reported on in Podcast 173 (9/10/10). Creech AFB near Las Vegas is the control site for the drones that attack in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the judge seemed moved by the testimony of Wright, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Bill Quigley from Center for Constitutional Rights. On the lighter side, Will Durst comes on at 1:13:27 to warn of the evils of milk.