Obama’s Hypocritical Positions on Torture; PBC says “I’ll Stop Whining If….”;...
Truthout’s Jason Leopold: Obama’s contradictory positions on torture; PBC’s memo to Obama and Biden–“I’ll stop whining when…”; Ted Rall talks about his new book, The Anti-American Manifesto; Will Durst...
View ArticleGerrymandering Denies Voters’ Rights, Lets Legislators Choose Their Voters
Gerrymandering is a powerful new documentary about the ways our elected officials draw the maps that deprive voters a real choice in most state and Congressional elections. Director Jeff Reichert and...
View ArticleIran, China Try to Hack D.C. Voting System, as U Mich DOES Hack It; Novelist...
Bradblog Bombshell: U of Michigan team hacks into D.C. election system, finds evidence that Chinese and Iranian computers had tried to hack in; novelist Mike Palecek on his latest, Camp America Brad...
View ArticleNew Nuke Plant Cancelled, Obama Blunders on Climate Change; New Griffin Book...
Michael Marriotte comments on cancellation of new nuke plant and The New Yorker’s report on failed climate change legislation; Tod Fletcher subs for David Ray Griffin on DRG’s shredding of White House...
View ArticleEx-Detainee on Life After Gitmo; FBI Raids & Secret GPS Monitoring; Col. Ann...
“Abdul” on Life After Guantanamo: Another Level of Hell; Shahid Buttar on recent FBI Raids; FBI can track your car without warrant; Col. Ann Wright on 5/31/10 Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla and update...
View ArticleEx-Viet POW Phil Butler on “3 Lives of a Warrior”; Gary Chew Reviews “Nowhere...
Dr. Phil Butler was the 7th-longest serving POW in North Viet Nam, his powerful new book is Three Lives of a Warrior; Gary Chew reviews the film about John Lennon’s early years, Nowhere Boy. Phil...
View ArticleEx-POW Phil Butler, Part 2: McCain is “Massive Hypocrite”; replay of Life...
Second installment of Dr. Phil Butler, former Vietnam POW and now a warrior for peace; replay of Life After Guantanamo–Another Level of Hell. Phil Butler, author of Three Lives of a Warrior talks about...
View ArticlePBC’s California Election Picks
PBC rambles, rants and opines on the statewide candidates and ballot measures in California. Your humble host does not presume to tell you how to vote…..….but as a man with too many opinions, he shares...
View ArticleDon’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal is Fumbled; Citizens for Legit Gov’t has News for...
Alex Nicholson, forced out due to DADT, on legal rulings and prospects for repeal; Lori R. Price, Editor-in-chief of Citizens for Legitimate Government on WikiLeaks and much more; Gary Chew reviews...
View ArticleBy Request: PBC Memo to Obama: “I’ll Stop Whining When…”
In my conversation with Lori R. Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government in Podcast 187, I promised to post the text of my recent memo to Obama from the Professional Left Coast. Here it is: Iâ€ll...
View ArticleIraq Vet Demands WikiLeaks Investigation; Marvin Kitman on Foxy News, Juan...
Iraq veteran Josh Stieber on his open letter to Congress demanding investigations into the content of the WikiLeaks release; media critic Marvin Kitman on Fox News, Juan Williams and how Murdoch...
View ArticleLive Report from Gitmo on Khadr Kangaroo Kommission; PBC Comments on...
Prof. Lisa Hajjar’s live report from Guantanamo on the case of Omar Khadr; PBC on US Troops smoking hash in Afghanistan, an email from a Zionist who says moderates are extreme, and William Cohan’s plan...
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