Alex Nicholson, forced out due to DADT, on legal rulings and prospects for repeal; Lori R. Price, Editor-in-chief of Citizens for Legitimate Government on WikiLeaks and much more; Gary Chew reviews Hereafter. Nicholson is the only named plaintiff in the suit that led a federal judge to declare “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” unconstitutional, talks about the fumbled efforts of the Obama administration to repeal this stinker and stop ejecting gays from the military. Nicholson was forced out in 2003, despite skills in Arabic and other languages, and intelligence. He is executive director of Servicemembers United and offers strong criticism of Obama’s failure to lead on this issue, a major campaign promise. Nicholson is a great advocate for the cause, and offers history, legal context, and his personal story of DADT. Price edits the daily email update on military, national security, and domestic issues of our creeping police state–read it and sign up for emails here. Starting at 41:40, we talk about the new WikiLeaks revelations about Iraq, including the role of armed contractors–mercenaries–and their reckless behavior; the NY Times’ coverage and spin of the nearly 400,000 new documents. We also talk about the new deal with Pakistan and the FBI’s request for new authority to wiretap and eavesdrop without warrants. And Gary Chew checks in at 1:22:32 to talk about Clint Eastwood’s excellent new film, Hereafter.